Local Florist Hits the Right Notes

Tuesday 12th November 5am

Love Hoddesdon is pleased to announce that local businesswoman, Louise Delle Grazie, of Louise’s Florists in the High Street has been requested by a local online radio station, East Herts Radio, to record several singing tracks in aid of charity, possibly with a supporting video, early in the New Year.  This came after they witnessed her brilliant performance on stage as part of the ‘Showtime Stage’ on the Sunday at the recent Hoddesdon Charter Fair.

Louise, who has worked in Hoddesdon for 30 years and run her business in the High Street for the last 17 years, has always been an ardent supporter of Love Hoddesdon and, in view of her love of music, has kindly arranged the ‘Hoddesdon’s Got Talent’ on our behalf for the last four years.

Following this year’s event, she was invited to sing ‘live’ on the radio and performed two classic tracks from the 1960’s and early 70’s, namely ‘Quando, Quando. Quando’ and ‘Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves’.  We also are looking for her to perform for us at the Hoddesdon Loves Christmas event on Saturday 30th November.

Louise commented: “People have always said that I should get more recognition for my singing and this is a great opportunity for me to share my love of singing, whilst benefitting those less fortunate than ourselves. However, I wouldn’t have got this opportunity if it were not for Dean Martin at Nonna’s Kitchen and Mickey Gocool at East Herts Radio.”

Kevin Brooks, Chairman of Love Hoddesdon BID Ltd commented: “It is great to know that the growing success of Love Hoddesdon in improving the appeal of Hoddesdon as a place to visit is also reaping rewards for local businesses in a range of different ways.  We would like to wish Louise every success with this venture.”


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