Hoddesdon is Open for Business

Monday 15th June 2pm

Non-essential businesses are returning to Hoddesdon town today after the government has granted permission to retailers to do so. In the meantime many of our office-based services are now open again or working remotely, but still able to do business, including:

Accountants/Financial Services

Gilliani & Co                                     01992 446316

HB Accountants                               01992 444466

A. Infantino & Co                              01992 440633

Skeltons Wealth Management         01992 442135

Tony Pomfret & Associates              01992 450460

Estate/Letting Agents

Anthony Davies & Co                       01992 470335

Butlers                                              01992 448856

County Lettings                                01992 469920

Kirby Colletti                                     01992 471888

Paul Wallace & Co.                          01992 466471

Shepherd’s                                       01992 440044

Via Properties                                  01992 443399

Westwood Leber                             01992 443311


Ashbourne Insurance                      01992 471001

Tollgate Insurance                           01992 443786

Recruitment Agencies

Grafters Recruit Ltd                         0845 688 0598

IP Recruitment                                 01992 450146                    

Room at the Top                              01992 440888


Braddon & Snow                              01992 464552

Curwens                                           01992 463727

Duffield Harrison                              01992 442911


Click here for a list of restaurants that are in business

Click here for a list of retailers that are in business


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