The Sarah Harris Memorial Award

Tuesday 4th April 2pm

Remembering Sarah Harris, a party girl, a socialite, and the life and soul of every party. Sarah sadly passed away on 3 January 2020. Sarah done a lot of volunteer work in Hoddesdon alongside the Love Hoddesdon team and her father Stephen Harris, who was a founding member of the Love Hoddesdon group.

This memorial is to thank Sarah for all of her hard work.

The Sarah Memorial Award is given to a group of people or individual who have gone that extra mile to help promote Love Hoddesdon or promote the town of Hoddesdon.

In 2021 the award went to the Rainbow Project connected to St Catherine’s and St Paul’s Church

In 2022 the award went to Ray Cook for co-ordinating the annual poppy appeal for the last 7 years and playing a leading role in organising the annual remembrance service parade.  

In loving memory of Sarah Harris  



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